What can we learn about the nature of translation by comparing a mundane warning message in hundreds of different languages?
Rhetoric has a bad reputation, but in reality, it’s much more than political gibberish and snake oil.
“Bad” English might not be as bad as we think. In fact, it’s just language change in action.
Is it really harder for adults to learn new languages than it is for children? What goes into designing language learning curricula? In this episode, we explore these questions and more.
As Lead Language Researcher at Grammarly, Courtney Napoles is building AI systems to help the world better communicate.
Have you ever wondered about the name of your home country or the one you’re visiting––what it means and how it came to be?
Why do we some languages have gender while others don’t? What is it that makes some nouns “feminine” and others “masculine?”
The etymology of trivia is in plain sight: tri-via, “three roads.” But what could three roads have to do with obscure and useless information?